
Battery Backup for Your Garage Door Opener: Do You Need One?

When the power goes out many people think of issues such as lighting, heating, cooling, or being able to use other appliances. The garage door opener is not as commonly thought of although it does rely on electricity to function. We are use to opening and closing our garage doors multiple times per day with the simple push of a button and when the power is out, this convenience is suddenly gone. 

Without power, the garage door will fail to open and close automatically which can leave you with your door stuck. This can be a real problem especially when your car is trapped inside. Garage door openers do have a manual release mechanism however for some people this can be difficult. If your door is very heavy or the opener is mounted very high up like in a high-ceiling garage, it may be too difficult or too dangerous to get to. Luckily, there is a solution! Investing in a backup battery for your garage door opener will ensure that your door continues to function normally even when there is a power outage!

What is a backup battery?

A backup battery is a device that ensures your door will operate during times there is no electrical power. The battery will kick in when the electricity goes out, allowing you to use the door as normal. A battery backup can be added to your current opener or there are garage door openers available that have one built-in. 

Backup batteries are rechargeable and will charge when connected power so they are ready to take over as soon as an outage occurs. They do not rely on any other alternative power supply. The backup battery will last for a number of hours or for a certain number of operations depending on the battery’s capacity.

The Benefits of a Backup Battery

Power outage convenience 

Of course the number one reason to invest in a backup battery is the convenience of it. Your garage door will still work automatically during a power outage and you won’t have to worry about disconnecting the opener to open and close it manually. A backup battery is particularly convenient if you live in an area that experiences power outages often due to weather, natural disasters or other reasons.


During a power outage you may end up locked out of your garage or be unable to get your car out. If you have an emergency and cannot access your car or remove it from the garage this could be a major problem. A backup battery will help to ensure this will never be your situation.


Keeping your garage door functional can be an important factor when it comes to security. Having your door fully operational can reduce your risk of intruders gaining access as a malfunctioning garage door can make your home vulnerable.

What is the lifespan of a backup battery?

How long a backup battery lasts will depend on the quality of the battery and its usage but generally backup batteries are designed to last between 2-5 years. It is strongly recommended to check your battery regularly to be sure that it is still working properly as just like any rechargeable battery, they can lose their capacity over time. 

Choosing the Right Backup Battery

When looking to purchase a backup battery for your garage door be sure that it is compatible with your garage door opener as not all batteries will work with all opener models. Also check the following:

  • Battery life: Check to see how long the battery can last during a power outage. The longer it will last, the better!
  • Automatic charging: The backup battery should be automatically charged by the opener system when there is power so that it is always ready to go.
  • Installation: Some will be easy to install yourself while others may be more complicated and require a professional.

Some openers come with a battery backup built-in so if your current opener is on its way out, or you are just looking to upgrade, it can be a great idea to look for a new opener that has this feature!

So is a backup battery truly necessary?

It really depends on individual circumstances but it is certainly handy to have. If you often have power outages or you rely on your garage door as a major point of entry to your home than a backup battery would most definitely be beneficial. On the flip side, if you very rarely use your garage door or your location only very rarely experiences outages, you may not see it as a necessity. Even if the latter is your situation however, they can still be a wise investment as power outages can happen any where, at any time and being prepared can never be a bad thing! 

Many homeowners find that the benefits of a backup battery well outweigh its associated cost. A backup battery for your garage door will provide convenience, safety, security and a peace of mind any time the power goes out!

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